Calgary Sports Chiropractic Center

Chronic Pain

What is Chronic pain?

Chronic pain is when you’ve had pain that has lasted longer than 4-6 weeks and has been persistent in its occurrence, occurring at least 3 times a week for that time period. It’s one of the most common conditions known. 

What are some of the issues Chronic pain can cause?

Chronic pain is an overarching term, and in itself is commonly derived from a separate issue completely. The definition of ‘chronic’ is occurring for a long period of time.

How can my Chiropractor help?

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain and can respond very well to Chiropractic treatment. 

Your chiropractor will first assess the cause of your pain, and give you a detailed explanation of the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan.

If your chiropractor decides your specific case can benefit from chiropractic treatment, they may proceed with a few different methods, such as chiropractic adjustments, Myofascial Release, which works to relax muscles and soft tissue to optimize their function, or active release therapy, which is meant to release scar tissue.

At Calgary Sports Chiropractic Center, we will provide you with a comprehensive history and physical exam, and let you know the exact diagnosis!