Calgary Sports Chiropractic Center

About Our Team

At Calgary Sports Chiropractic Center, our team have several years of expertise for treating sports injuries and non-sports injuries, guiding and facilitating neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation, and getting patients back to being active and moving again!

Meet The Doctor

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Dr. Al Betinol

Dr. Betinol has been in practice for over twenty-five years, treating many variety of conditions through non-drug and non-surgical means. After a thorough history and physical examination, he will explain and review his findings and provide a working diagnosis, then lay out the most effective treatment plan for your condition or complaint. Dr. Betinol focuses mainly on treating and managing sports injuries, whiplash related conditions, work injuries, chronic pain, and wellness care.

Registered Massage Therapists

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About Our Therapists

Massage therapy consists of manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.

Massage therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being. Functional movement can be enhanced, maintained, and improved through the use of massage therapy. Physical dysfunction, chronic and acute pain, stress, and soft tissue injuries can be treated and improved through the use of Massage Therapy.

Our registered massage therapist have many years of extensive experience in many forms of massage therapies from therapeutic to wellness and relaxation.  They can manage sports injuries and many forms of soft tissue dysfunctions due to trauma that may arise from motor vehicle accidents, stress, work injuries, and postural syndromes. 

Not only do they treat amateur and elite level athletes at the college and Olympic levels, our therapist are also passionate in helping our patients reach the next level.

Office Staff

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Our front office staff is ready to assist you and look forward to  welcoming you to the clinic.

If you have any questions about our clinic, motor vehicle claims, insurance, work injuries (WCB), or any other inquiry we are here to help.