Calgary Sports Chiropractic Center

Workplace Injury (WCB)

What is Covered?

If you are hurt at work, you can come straight to our office for treatment. The WCB does not require you to see a medical doctor first.

Our Chiropractic doctor can submit assessment information to the WCB for review and to determine if your claim has been accepted.

For information on how to access WCB coverage talk to our staff and/or visit the WCB website

Why choose Chiropractic for Work Injuries?

  • Chiropractic treatment has well-documented high patient satisfaction rates among injured workers.
  • Chiropractic is demonstrated to be one of the most clinically and cost-effective methods of treating many work-related injuries.


This clinic is an authorized WCB provider.  If you have a valid WCB claim, we can bill them directly for your treatment.  However, should WCB deny your claim the ultimate responsibility for payment of your treatments will be yours. We will attempt to contact WCB as soon as possible and will inform you on the status of your claim.


Regular attendance is required by WCB.  Our office is required to contact the WCB should you miss more than two appointments in a row without legitimate excuse.  If you do not attend regularly, or do not inform us of your absence, you risk being discharged from the program.

You are encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback to your chiropractor regarding any aspect of treatment.

Should WCB fail to accept your claim for compensation, the ultimate responsibility for payment of your treatments will be yours.


  1. Initially, you will be examined by a Doctor of Chiropractic to determine your physical abilities allowing you and your Chiropractor to set goals.
  2. Treatment at the clinic are divided into the two following phases:
  • Acute Phase – Generally, this phase will last a maximum of three weeks.  Treatment focus on reducing any pain or inflammation associated with your injury.  As well, you may be started on a program of mild exercise.
  • Work Conditioning Phase – This phase will last a maximum of three weeks.  The focus of treatments will shift to a functional exercise program.

Your ability to return to work will be continuously monitored throughout the program.  It may not be necessary for every patient to go through the Work Conditioning phase prior to discharge from chiropractic treatment.


If your Chiropractor feels that you are not ready to return to work following three weeks of Work Conditioning, they may recommend that you undergo functional testing at a WCB approved rehabilitation center.  The functional tests may be followed by a Work Hardening program, at the WCB Center, lasting up to eight weeks.  This program involves simulated work activities for up to eight hours per day, five days per week.